"By the way, have you read Frog of Arcadia?"

I personally have not but my kid is LOVING it! He reads it out loud to our new kitten, it's so sweet.

Also, I wasn't much into sandwiches, but Mr. Sub was definitely better than Subway. My first job was at Quiznos, and it was an awful experience. I couldn't eat at Quiznos again after working there.

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Quiznos had the pepperoncinis which I couldn't get enough of. Geez. I've never worked in the food industry, but I hear working somewhere generally sours you to their food. I'm sure you've got a few horror stories about the pepperoncinis too! Since our local place closed down years ago, I suppose I can afford to be red-pilled on those little peppers as well.

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It's not that it was gross per se, but it had a distinct smell that stuck to my clothes so after I quit I just couldn't even walk in there. Also the people I worked with sucked.

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Oh! I see. Haha.

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Lisa, I am so glad to hear that your kid is enjoying it! That's wonderful. I'd love to hear his review when he's all done.

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I'll let you know for sure!

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