A pleasant reminder of what adults once were, and of how they felt and thought and talked, and what queer enterprises they sometimes engaged in.
Tom Sawyer as the precursor to Robin Hood in tone and style is fascinating. I’ll have to reread with a critical eye.
I hope you do! Pyle's Robin Hood is a treasure, and its kinship with Tom Sawyer feels almost tangible. But I'd love some hard evidence on my little theory.
... Even if its just to prove me wrong. Haha. The chase may indeed be better than the catch.
Tom Sawyer as the precursor to Robin Hood in tone and style is fascinating. I’ll have to reread with a critical eye.
I hope you do! Pyle's Robin Hood is a treasure, and its kinship with Tom Sawyer feels almost tangible. But I'd love some hard evidence on my little theory.
... Even if its just to prove me wrong. Haha. The chase may indeed be better than the catch.